Brent Jackson's Memoir

Who'd Think In Elementary, I'd See The Penitentiary

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About The Book

Brent Jackson’s Memoir, Who’d Think In Elementary I’d See The Penitentiary… took me on a journey of amazing survival in unimaginable circumstances. This enthralling account took me to a place I could not go otherwise and it made me feel like I was right there with him experiencing the good, the bad, the hopefulness, the despair, the desperation, and redemption of his life.

This compelling story is evidence that the human spirit is resilient, love changes things and with God, all things are possible.

This book helped me to tap into my empathy to relate to a person I might have otherwise judged too harshly. This is a captivating easy to read narrative that everyone should experience.

I am so grateful that this story is being told and it will humanize those who find themselves in the penal system. This story was screaming to be told and I commend Mr. Jackson for his transparency in sharing his life story. I thank God for this powerful testimony of transformation. It is a reminder of God’s grace and the power of LOVE.
~Janine Folks, Get The Pen

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Brent Jackson

About The Author

Early in Brent’s life, even in the midst of the challenges he faced, there were always certain people placed in his life with angelic presence and positive influence. These people recognized gifts in Brent that he didn’t even see himself, like the middle school counselor who encouraged him to become a part of the Glee Club! To his amazement, Brent enjoyed being involved in this group and it left an imprint that continues to influence him.

Positive seeds were sown into Brent’s life by various people. Another that was pivotal, was a good friend in prison who persistently invited Brent to church. Finally, Brent acquiesced and attended a service. Brent got saved that day and never turned back. His passion for Christ continues to grow daily and the manifestation of God’s presence in his life is undeniable.

Brent’s life is a story that clearly exhibits the redemptive power of a loving God if you allow Him to work in your life. All too familiar is the pain of feeling the stigma associated with being an ex-convict. Brent has gotten the fearful and skeptical stares, the employment rejections, and all that comes with trying to thrive with a criminal history. Nonetheless, he has overcome those things.

What People Are Saying

Deacon Brent Jackson is a faithful man of God who shares his remarkable life story in his book, Who'd Think in Elementary, I'd see the Penitentiary? It's an all too familiar tale of someone who experienced childhood trauma which led to a life of bad decisions, crime, and punishment as a young adult.

But, unique in this story is the underlying hope that eventually brings the man from the mess. By God's grace and Brent Jackson's tenacity, he has emerged as a man of faith and dedication who we are honored to serve with every week.

Sheryl Brady - Pastor: The Potter's House of North Dallas

This story reminds me of so many other similar ones across the country. They are planning the construction of Prisons based on the test scores of Third Grade urban boys. The fact that Brent was a statistic who overcame the system is a testament to his strength and belief in God. I think every young person should read this book. It very well may help them avoid the pitfalls that caused Brent to get caught up.

John L. Mack - CEO of GPS: Get Published Successfully
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